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Concerti di Strapping Young Lad

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Bongripper - EmptyBongripper
Melvins - Tarantula HeartMelvins
Tarantula Heart
Inter Arma - New HeavenInter Arma
New Heaven
Whores - WarWhores
Couch Slut - You Could Do It TonightCouch Slut
You Could Do It Tonight
Kim Gordon - The CollectiveKim Gordon
The Collective
High On Fire - Cometh The StormHigh On Fire
Cometh The Storm
Cell Press - CagesCell Press
Pissed Jeans - Half DivorcedPissed Jeans
Half Divorced
Moor Mother - The Great BailoutMoor Mother
The Great Bailout

Concerti passati
05/06/2006 - Strapping Young Lad
Palanordino - Bologna