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Dillinger Escape Plan - A Febbraio il DVD

Full Of Hell - & Andrew Nolan - Scraping The DivineFull Of Hell
& Andrew Nolan - Scraping The Divine
Defacement - DualityDefacement
God Bullies - As Above So BelowGod Bullies
As Above So Below
Five The Hierophant - ApeironFive The Hierophant
Jerry Cantrell - I Want BloodJerry Cantrell
I Want Blood
Demon & Eleven Children - Demonic FascinationDemon & Eleven Children
Demonic Fascination
Oranssi Pazuzu - MuuntautujaOranssi Pazuzu
Chat Pile - Cool WorldChat Pile
Cool World
Blood Incantation - Absolute ElsewhereBlood Incantation
Absolute Elsewhere
Alexander Gregory Kent - Teaches Dust to ReasonAlexander Gregory Kent
Teaches Dust to Reason

Dillinger Escape Plan

A Febbraio il DVD

News del 29/11/2005

Dillinger Escape Plan - A Febbraio il DVD

Il 21 Febbraio Relapse Records pubblicherà un DVD live dei Dillinger Escape Plan.

Non è specificato se si tratta del DVD che testimonia la permanenza di Dimitri nella band o un semplice documento sul tour di Miss Machine.

[Dale P.]

Dillinger Escape Plan - & Mike Patton Irony Is A Dead SceneDillinger Escape Plan
& Mike Patton Irony Is A Dead Scene
Dillinger Escape Plan - Cursed, Unshaven, And MisbehavinDillinger Escape Plan
Cursed, Unshaven, And Misbehavin'
Dillinger Escape Plan - Ire WorksDillinger Escape Plan
Ire Works
Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss MachineDillinger Escape Plan
Miss Machine
Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss Machine The DVD [DVD]Dillinger Escape Plan
Miss Machine The DVD [DVD]
Dillinger Escape Plan - Plagiarism EPDillinger Escape Plan
Plagiarism EP
Dillinger Escape Plan - Under The Running BoardDillinger Escape Plan
Under The Running Board

20/08/2004Lellistad (NL)Lowlands Festival 2004
09/07/2004PadovaParcheggio Stadio Euganeo
07/07/2004Pinarella Di CerviaRock Planet