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Dillinger Escape Plan - Tornano in Europa ad Ottobre

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Dillinger Escape Plan

Tornano in Europa ad Ottobre

News del 04/07/2010

Dillinger Escape Plan - Tornano in Europa ad Ottobre

Perennemente in tour la band di Ben Weinman torna in Europa ad Ottobre per una lunga serie di date che tocchera' Germania, Francia, Polonia, Ungheria, Slovenia, Inghilterra e, ovviamente, Italia.

I supporters saranno i Cancer Bats [link] per quanto riguarda le date "continentali", mentre in Inghilterra saranno fiancheggiati dai Rolo Tomassi [link].

Di seguito le date del tour:

October 04th Frankfurt, GER Batschkapp

October 05th Leipzig, GER Conne Island

October 06th Hamburg, GER Markthalle

October 07th Bochum, GER Zeche

October 08th Berlin, GER Columbia Club

October 09th Warsaw, POL Progresja

October 10th Prague, CZE Abaton

October 12th Vienna, AUT Szene

October 13th Budapest, HUN Durer kert

October 14th Bratislava, SLO Randal

October 15th Roncade, ITA New Age

October 16th Cesena, ITA Vidia Club

October 17th Marseille, FRA Escape Julien

October 19th Bilbao, SPA Kafé Anzokia

October 20th Madrid, SPA Sala Heineken

October 21st Barcelona, SPA Razzmatazz 2

October 22nd Bordeaux, FRA Rock School Barbey

October 23rd Nantes, FRA L’Olympic

October 24th Poitiers, FRA Confort Moderne

October 26th Lille, FRA Aeronef

October 28th Birmingham, UK O2 Academy 2

October 29th Glasgow, UK The Garage

October 30th Manchester, UK Club Academy

November 01st Nottingham, UK Rescue Rooms

November 02nd Bristol, UK O2 Academy

November 04th Brighton, UK Concorde 2

November 05th London, UK Electric Ballroom

November 06th Leeds, UK Leeds University

[Dale P.]

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