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Motorpsycho - Quattro Date In Italia

Full Of Hell - & Andrew Nolan - Scraping The DivineFull Of Hell
& Andrew Nolan - Scraping The Divine
Defacement - DualityDefacement
God Bullies - As Above So BelowGod Bullies
As Above So Below
Five The Hierophant - ApeironFive The Hierophant
Jerry Cantrell - I Want BloodJerry Cantrell
I Want Blood
Demon & Eleven Children - Demonic FascinationDemon & Eleven Children
Demonic Fascination
Oranssi Pazuzu - MuuntautujaOranssi Pazuzu
Chat Pile - Cool WorldChat Pile
Cool World
Blood Incantation - Absolute ElsewhereBlood Incantation
Absolute Elsewhere
Alexander Gregory Kent - Teaches Dust to ReasonAlexander Gregory Kent
Teaches Dust to Reason


Quattro Date In Italia

News del 21/02/2013

Motorpsycho - Quattro Date In Italia

Il 12 Aprile i norvegesi Motorpsycho pubblicheranno "Still Life With Eggplant" uattordicesimo album in studio. Per la promozione del disco la band sara' in Italia per quattro date a Maggio:

05 maggio Bologna, Zona Roveri
06 maggio Roma, Circolo degli Artisti
07 maggio Mezzago (MB), Bloom
08 maggio Roncade (TV), New Age

Biglietti gia' in prevendita su TicketOne.

[Dale P.]

Motorpsycho - + Jaga Jazzist HornsMotorpsycho
+ Jaga Jazzist Horns
Motorpsycho - 8 Soothing Songs for RutMotorpsycho
8 Soothing Songs for Rut
Motorpsycho - Ancient AstronautsMotorpsycho
Ancient Astronauts
Motorpsycho - Angels And Daemons At PlayMotorpsycho
Angels And Daemons At Play
Motorpsycho - BarracudaMotorpsycho
Motorpsycho - Black Hole / Black CanvasMotorpsycho
Black Hole / Black Canvas
Motorpsycho - BlissardMotorpsycho
Motorpsycho - Demon BoxMotorpsycho
Demon Box
Motorpsycho - Kingdom Of OblivionMotorpsycho
Kingdom Of Oblivion
Motorpsycho - LobotomizerMotorpsycho
Motorpsycho - Mountain EPMotorpsycho
Mountain EP
Motorpsycho - PhanerothymeMotorpsycho
Motorpsycho - The All Is OneMotorpsycho
The All Is One
Motorpsycho - The Death Defying UnicornMotorpsycho
The Death Defying Unicorn
Motorpsycho - The Nerve Tattoo EPMotorpsycho
The Nerve Tattoo EP
Motorpsycho - The TusslerMotorpsycho
The Tussler
Motorpsycho - TimothyMotorpsycho
Timothy's Monster
Motorpsycho - Trust UsMotorpsycho
Trust Us
Motorpsycho - Wearing Yr Smell EPMotorpsycho
Wearing Yr Smell EP

11/05/2006RiminiVelvet Club