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Sunn O))) - Date In Europa

Mantar - Post Apocalyptic DepressionMantar
Post Apocalyptic Depression
Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dog OutLambrini Girls
Who Let The Dog Out
Dax Riggs - 7 Songs For SpidersDax Riggs
7 Songs For Spiders
Sunrot - PassagesSunrot
Ethel Cain - PervertsEthel Cain
Brume - MartenBrume
Generation Of Vipers - Guilt ShrineGeneration Of Vipers
Guilt Shrine
Föhn - CondescendingFöhn
Full Of Hell - & Andrew Nolan - Scraping The DivineFull Of Hell
& Andrew Nolan - Scraping The Divine
Defacement - DualityDefacement

Sunn O)))

Date In Europa

News del 03/02/2012

Sunn O))) - Date In Europa

Anderson e O'Malley faranno una manciata di date in Europa a Giugno, in Inghilterra, Olanda, Belgio e Francia. Da segnalare la data londinese con Nurse With Wound.

Di seguito i dettagli:

Mon 11 June Manchester - The Ritz
Tue 12 June London - Koko (with Nurse With Wound)
Thur 14 June Holland - Amsterdam - Melkweg (with Aluk Todolo)
Fri 15 June Belgium - Hoboken - Fort 8 (with Aluk Todolo)
Sat 16 June France - Paris - La Gaite Lyrique (with Aluk Todolo)
Sun 17 June - France - Clisson - Hellfest

[Dale P.]

Sunn O))) - & Boris - AltarSunn O)))
& Boris - Altar
Sunn O))) - 00 VoidSunn O)))
00 Void
Sunn O))) - Black OneSunn O)))
Black One
Sunn O))) - Flight Of The BehemotSunn O)))
Flight Of The Behemot
Sunn O))) - Life MetalSunn O)))
Life Metal
Sunn O))) - Metta, BenevolenceSunn O)))
Metta, Benevolence
Sunn O))) - White 1Sunn O)))
White 1
Sunn O))) - White 2Sunn O)))
White 2

15/04/2011TilburgRoadburn Festival 2011 Day 2