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Melvins - Tracklist Del Tributo

Ethel Cain - PervertsEthel Cain
Brume - MartenBrume
Generation Of Vipers - Guilt ShrineGeneration Of Vipers
Guilt Shrine
Föhn - CondescendingFöhn
Full Of Hell - & Andrew Nolan - Scraping The DivineFull Of Hell
& Andrew Nolan - Scraping The Divine
Defacement - DualityDefacement
God Bullies - As Above So BelowGod Bullies
As Above So Below
Five The Hierophant - ApeironFive The Hierophant
Jerry Cantrell - I Want BloodJerry Cantrell
I Want Blood
Demon & Eleven Children - Demonic FascinationDemon & Eleven Children
Demonic Fascination


Tracklist Del Tributo

News del 28/05/2005

Melvins - Tracklist Del Tributo

Uscirà il 23 Agosto su Fractured Transmitter Records, si intitola "We Reach: The Music Of The Melvins" e ha un cast stellare: la crema del metal / hardcore / postcore più evoluto. Notevoli anche le collaborazioni. Qui sotto la tracklist:

Mare - "Nightgoat"

Mastodon - "The Bit"

Strapping Young Lad - "Zodiac"

The Dillinger Escape Plan - "Honey Bucket"

High On Fire/Keelhaul - "Oven"

Pig Destroyer - "Claude"

Absentee - "Revolve"

Meatjack - "Shevil"

Fear Factory/SYL/Mastodon - "Joan Of Arc"

Dog Fashion Disco - "Anaconda"

Agoraphobic Nosebleed/Isis - "Boris"

Eyehategod - "Easy As It Was"

Disengage - "Raise A Paw"

CKY/Gnarkill - "Laughing With Lucifer At Satan's Sideshow"

Maritime Murder - "Copache"

Made Out Babies - "Bar X And The Rocking M"

Melvins - + Lustmord - Pigs Of The Roman EmpireMelvins
+ Lustmord - Pigs Of The Roman Empire
Melvins - A Senile AnimalMelvins
A Senile Animal
Melvins - Bad Moon RisingMelvins
Bad Moon Rising
Melvins - Colossus Of DestinyMelvins
Colossus Of Destiny
Melvins - ElectroretardMelvins
Melvins - Five Legged DogMelvins
Five Legged Dog
Melvins - Hostile Ambient TakeoverMelvins
Hostile Ambient Takeover
Melvins - HoudiniMelvins
Melvins - Houdini Live 2005Melvins
Houdini Live 2005
Melvins - Lord Of The Flies EPMelvins
Lord Of The Flies EP
Melvins - Nude With BootsMelvins
Nude With Boots
Melvins - Stoner WitchMelvins
Stoner Witch
Melvins - Sugar Daddy LiveMelvins
Sugar Daddy Live
Melvins - Tarantula HeartMelvins
Tarantula Heart
Melvins - The Bride Screamed MurderMelvins
The Bride Screamed Murder
Melvins - TrilogyMelvins

08/07/2003CorreggioFesta Dell'Unità
28/04/2006Venaria RealeTeatro Della Concordia
11/07/2023TorinoSpazio 211